Monday, March 31, 2014

Sam Adams Fat Jack Double Pumpkin

So I mostly purchased this one due to the ridiculous picture of a dumpy pumpkin-man on the label.  Is he Fat Jack? He sort of looks like the illustrations one might find in original copies of The Wizard of Oz, amusing yet menacing at the same time.  If you purchase Fat Jack, might he, in fact, end up drinking you?!?!

Well, he didnt, at least not before I downed all 22 oz. of him first.  Those initial sips were a little rough.  This dark ale assaults the new drinker with a bitter start, hoppy-ing down your throat.  Yet, let it linger in your mouth a moment and the smoky textures of the included spices--cinnamon, nutmeg, harvested pumpkin--create a pleasing sensation.  Fat Jack isnt so much a pumpkin beer as a nicely brewed Fall concoction, a "nestle under a fire after a cool walk through the changing leaves...but dont let Fat Jack get you at night time or he will bite your face off" kind of beer.

Finish as much as you can while cold though.  I nursed this one while doing the dishes and reorganizing some new furniture and the last few room temperature sips gagged me.  A Good buy when refrigerated.

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The End of Summer Mix

While waiting for our broken ferry to start, my family did some browsing on Main Street.  What at first appeared to be nothing but a boutique womens clothing store, soon came to be known as a store of note, featuring items that made me double-over with laughter. 

These made me laugh creepily loud
Sadly, my wife claimed that 25 dollars was too much to spend on baby clothes.  Im convinced that either "I Cant Read" or "I Might Barf" would pay for themselves ten times over in the joy they would bring the general population blessed to view my child.  Guess we cant all be world peace-mongers.

Best Thing Ever, at least in the realm of baby couture.
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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Review Lenovo IdeaPad Y650

The IdeaPad Y650 is a multimedia notebook from Lenovo with a beautiful 16-inch screen, HDMI out, a giant touchpad with multi-touch controls, and enough power and storage to serve as your primary family PC. With a thin (almost MacBook-like) appearance and a starting price of $1,299, how does the Lenovo IdeaPad Y650 stand up against the competition? Keep reading and well let you know.

Click the link to see full review

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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Devil May Cry 4

If you play Devil May Cry 4 on the PC, you should expect all of the same visceral carnage featured in the console versions, but theres a caveat: Youll need a gamepad. If youre a glutton for punishment, you can try using the games keyboard control scheme, but its awkward and frustrating. However, assuming that you have a decent controller, youll find that this excellent sequel is Capcoms finest PC release in years.

Its a challenging experience, though its smoother difficulty curve makes it far more accessible than Devil May Cry 3. In this vein, youre given an excellent number of gameplay choices that help you tailor the challenge to your preferences. You can initially choose one of two difficulties (and if you want to cry like a little kid, you can unlock several more), and you can even choose whether you want the game to perform some combos for you automatically. No, you arent apt to find Devil May Cry 4 to be excessively tough on your first play-through, although it is no walk in the park, either. Nevertheless, it is generally excessive, and that isnt a bad thing. Stylish action, terrific boss fights, and beautiful, melodramatic cutscenes will inspire you to push forward, and they serve as an appropriate reward for a well-played sequence of demon slaying.

It isnt surprising that a game featuring the charmingly insane Dante would be so over the top, though the series famed antihero is not the real star this time around. Dont worry; youll still get to play as Dante, and he brings with him a good selection of weapons and fighting styles, just as Devil May Cry fans would expect. But youll spend the majority of the game as newcomer Nero, who has a selection of impressive and elegant moves of his own. Nero is an excellent character, capable of delivering a few wisecracks, a brooding glance, and a heartfelt plea of love to his beloved Kyrie in a few moments time. Hes clearly cut from the same cloth as Dante, and its a bit disappointing that the game doesnt explore this connection in more detail. Regardless, youll want to follow Neros exploits as he struggles to learn the truth about his own religious organization, The Order of the Sword, and Dantes apparent murder of its leader.

The story doesnt offer up a whole lot of surprises, but it embraces a certain attitude of self-indulgence. Cutscenes are overwrought, visually stunning affairs, and are among the best you are likely to see in any game in recent years. The theatrical dialogue, impossibly athletic animations, and swooping camerawork make for quite the spectacle, but somehow its a spectacle that manages to stay on just the right side of cheesy. Devil May Cry 4 takes itself seriously, but not too seriously, so for every shocking, bloody cutaway, theres an equally funny quip that helps keep the narrative in check. There are a couple of cringe-worthy exceptions, such as one scene in which Dante decides hes a tango dancer (dont quit your day job!), but overall, youre apt to find the scenes to be gorgeous, thought-provoking, and emotionally stirring.

Neros claim to fame is his demonic arm, better known as the devil bringer. With it, you can grab on to distant enemies and pull them in, pick them up, and slam them around for some excellent combos, plus deliver a few other surprises. These mechanics are easy to pull off, and they represent a general shift from the defensive gameplay of Devil May Cry 3 to a more aggressive approach. As you play, you can pull off some incredibly satisfying moves, both in the air and on the ground, and the most violent of these are accompanied by slick, bloody animations and appropriately gory-sounding thwacks and slashes. Timing these various moves can be tricky, but like in the previous games, eventually the subtleties of your combos will click, and in time youll be pulling enemies toward you, slashing them into bite-size pieces, and smashing them into one another with glee.

The devil-bringer moves go a long way, which is probably a good thing, given that Nero has neither as varied an arsenal as Dante nor access to multiple fighting styles. However, he does have his standard sword, the red queen, and a revolver known as blue rose, and later on he earns another weapon that franchise fans will enjoy seeing in action. As you progress, you will earn proud souls based on your performance in any given mission, and with them, you can purchase new combos and upgrade existing ones. And youll need them to handle droves of demons that get progressively tougher--and which are awesome to look at, to boot. You can choose these new moves individually, or you can let the game autoselect them for you based on how varied you want your array of attacks to be. Its worth noting that you cant really make a mistake here; if you dont like the move, or if there is a more powerful upgrade available to you, you can unlearn what you have purchased for a full refund and use the souls for something else.

Youll also encounter a number of secret missions scattered around, and youll no doubt find them to be the most challenging aspect of the game. In some cases, you have to execute a certain move a set number of times in a row, or dispatch every demon within the allotted time. Although those missions are challenging, others require you to have purchased a particular move before you can manage it. If at first it seems that some of these missions are simply unbeatable, have faith and return to it later. Theres a good chance that you were simply missing a piece of the puzzle. You arent required to do these missions, but the orb fragment that you earn is a perfectly fine reward, and accomplishing these difficult tasks is incredibly gratifying.

About halfway through the game, youll take control of Dante, and youll likely go through a period of adjustment while you get used to the change in gameplay techniques. Frankly, the devil bringer is a great mechanic, and losing it is a bit of a disappointment, considering that its likely to be the center of your fighting style. Instead, youll have a new set of actions and combos to get used to, new weapons, and four (eventually five) fighting styles. Yet once your arsenal of melee weapons and guns expands (Pandoras Box is a favorite), youll enjoy their cheerful boldness. Theres a lot more variety here than with Nero, and its a lot of fun to switch styles and weapons on the fly, just to find more interesting and flashy ways of crushing demons to a pulp.

In addition to the dazzling action, youll work your way through some light puzzles and platforming sequences. The puzzles arent tough, but they do require you to roam around a bit from time to time, bashing on some switches, using a special device to slow down time, and accomplishing some other odds and ends. They help break up the pace, but all too often these breaks result in lulls that last a bit too long, making you long for another crazy demon attack. Some of the platform sequences are fine, requiring you to use the devil bringer as a grappling hook to fling yourself around, though some of the more standard sequences suffer from bad camera angles and an annoying tendency for the camera to change positions in midjump.

Dont let the variety of weaponry and special moves lull you into believing that the rest of Devil May Cry 4s design is similarly diverse. In fact, the many different ways of killing enemies is quite a stark contrast to the repetition at the heart of the experience. Its true that backtracking and repeated environments have been a problem in past games in the series, but the newest entry takes these issues to an even higher level of monotony. Many successive levels take place in the same castle hallways and forest meadows, and when you switch to Dante, you visit them all over again. Granted, most of these areas are easy on the eyes due to their gorgeous architecture and grand outdoor vistas. Yet when you see them over and over again, and when some of the simple puzzles have you traipsing back and forth, you will wish for new sights. It has the effect of making a seemingly grand adventure feel oddly limited.

That repetition even makes its way into the admittedly spectacular boss fights. These battles are easily the shining star of Devil May Cry 4, and each boss is wildly different from the last, requiring split-second timing and good control over your reflexes. From a giant toad to a hulking stone behemoth, these bosses are cleverly designed and a good deal of fun. Yet as Dante in the second half of the game, youll face all of the same bosses that you fought as Nero. Although the game could have benefitted from some new blood during these missions, the differences in styles between the two at least lend some diversity to the repeated bosses and test the newest additions to your arsenal. However, amazingly (and irritatingly), Capcom brings most of them out for a third time in the games padded and plodding penultimate mission. Yes, these fights are fun, but forcing most of them on you three times is overkill.

On consoles, Devil May Cry 4 is beautiful; on the PC, it positively dazzles. The game includes DirectX 9 and DirectX 10 modes, and both look spectacular and run beautifully. Both Nero and Dante are fluid in motion, and they showcase a good deal of flair and subtlety in their movements. The more damage a move does, the more astonishing it looks onscreen, and few games can approach the pure razzle-dazzle of Nero jumping into the air, his cape flying and the glowing devil bringer tossing lumbering demons around with matchless grace. From an environmental design standpoint, the visuals can be gorgeous to behold, and moments like your first glimpse of Gran Album Bridge are bound to take your breath away.

The sound design, like the storytelling, is merrily over the top. The vibrant brutality of your most impressive moves is accompanied by equally squeamish and powerful sound effects. Fortunately, the talented voice cast never hams it up, even when delivering the most melodramatic lines. As Nero, Johnny Yong Bosch can be both remarkably sincere and sneeringly sarcastic, and his superb acting makes for one of the most appealing new game characters to be introduced in some time. But you may not find the music as universally appealing. This is the one area where Devil May Cry 4 feels too clichéd; it relies on the standard heavy-metal grinds that accompany most demon-inspired games and films, and replays the same couple of tunes during combat ad nauseam. Luckily, it never gets in the way, so though it may not stand out, it doesnt stick out, either.

The PC version doesnt support online leaderboards, but it includes two excellent additions: Legendary Dark Knight mode and turbo speed. LDK mode fills the screen with insane numbers of demons at a time and delivers plenty of excitement without becoming unfairly difficult. You can turn on turbo speed before heading into a mission, which hastens the tempo and makes for a great thumb workout. All told, Devil May Cry 4 is a great game, and it delivers a lot of quality action that will please fans without alienating those new to the series. If you liked previous entries, youll find what youre looking for here; and if you were turned off by Devil May Cry 3s insane challenge, then youll feel a lot more comfortable this time around.

By Kevin VanOrd, GameSpot
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Run Commands List

  • Accessibility Options : access.cpl

    • Add Hardware : hdwwiz.cpl
    • Add / Remove Programs : appwiz.cpl
    • Administrative Tools : control admintools
    • Automatic Updates : wuaucpl.cpl
    • Wizard file transfer Bluethooth : fsquirt
    • Calculator : calc
    • Certificate Manager : certmgr.msc
    • Character : charmap
    • Checking disk : chkdsk
    • Manager of the album (clipboard) : clipbrd
    • Command Prompt : cmd
    • Service components (DCOM) : dcomcnfg
    • Computer Management : compmgmt.msc
    • DDE active sharing : ddeshare
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    Friday, March 28, 2014

    How to Create Email Form Subscription

    The function of Email Form Subscription is to let your loyal visitors to subscribe your new article/posting in to their email. So if your post a new article your subscriber will receive your article automatically. It’s very usefull, your subscriber will know if there is a new article, so they will come to visit your blog immediatly.
    Here the trick to create Email Form Subscription

    1. visit this site :
    2. You will see a box to enter your blog feeds. enter your blog feeds in to the box. Usually your blog feeds is like this :
    3. If you have video file in your blog content, check on the "I am a podcaster"box, If not, it’s unnecessary. Then click "Next" Button.
    4. After that, you must to fill a form, fill it with your information then click on the "Activate Feed"
    5. If you’re succeed, you will see "Congrats your....." notificaton.
    6. On the buttom you will see a "Next" Button and a link "Skip directly to feed management", choose this link.
    7. You will see some menus on top. Choose "Email Subscription" menu.
    8. On the left you will see some menu again, now click on the "Email Subscriptions"
    9. Then click on the "Activate" button.
    10. You will some code on the boxes. Choose code in the "Subsciption Form Code" box, and copy it. then click "Save" Button.

    11. To plug it on your blog, go to "Layout-->>Add Page element-->HTML/Javascript" paste your code on the box.

    See your blog, Now you have an "Email Form Subscription"
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    Thursday, March 27, 2014

    Google Translate

    Google Translate is a free automatic translator. It works without the intervention of human translators, using state-of-the-art technology instead. Google Translate currently supports translation between any of these 57 languages:
    :Afrikaans, Akan, Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Basque, Belarusian, Bengali, Bihari, Bork, bork, bork!, Bosnian, Breton, Bulgarian, Cambodian, Catalan, Chichewa, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Corsican, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Elmer Fudd, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Faroese, Filipino, Finnish, French, Frisian, Galician, Georgian, German, Greek, Guarani, Gujarati, Hacker, Haitian Creole, Hausa, Hawaiian, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Igbo, Indonesian, Interlingua, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Kannada, Kazakh, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Klingon, Korean, Kurdish, Kyrgyz, Laothian, Latin, Latvian, Lingala, Lithuanian, Luganda, Luo, Macedonian, Malagasy, Malay, Malayalam, Maltese, Maori, Marathi, Mauritian Creole, Moldavian, Mongolian, Montenegrin, Nepali, Norwegian, Norwegian (Nynorsk), Occitan, Oriya, Oromo, Pashto, Persian, Pirate, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Punjabi, Quechua, Romanian, Romansh, Runyakitara, Russian, Scots Gaelic, Serbian, Serbo-Croatian, Sesotho, Setswana, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhalese, Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Spanish, Spanish (Latin American), Sundanese, Swahili, Swedish, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thai, Tigrinya, Tonga, Turkish, Turkmen, Twi, Uighur, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek, Vietnamese, Welsh, Wolof Xhosa, Yiddish, Yoruba, Zulu

    try its Now

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    Live Music

    I was just watching Feeder at Reading and Leeds on BBC3 when I realised how exclusive music is. Every few minutes or so, a message would pop up at the bottom saying: "The following performance contains strobe lighting." Now, this means that if you are epileptic there is a very high chance of an epileptic fit. Basically all Gigs and festivals use strobe lighting, which means anyone who is epileptic cant go to any festival/gig at all. All so it looks a little cooler. This is not acceptable really. Any other industry and it would be discrimination. Please leave a comment if you agree with me, because it isnt fair.

    thk123: "Fighting to make the world fairer"
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    Wednesday, March 26, 2014

    Cute Kitten Jigsaw Puzzle

    Cute Kitten Jigsaw Puzzle
    Can you solve this jigsaw puzzle?

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    Fiesta Online

    US Site:
    EU Site:

    Fiesta is a free-to-play, massively multiplayer online role playing game. It features 3D graphics and cool anime-like characters.


    Fiesta Online has four types of characters – fighter, cleric, archer and mage.
    Fighter – this is your usual melee character.
    Cleric – they are the game healers. Also they can solo well in low levels but don’t have much damage in higher ones.
    Archer – they have highest damage against single target and damage over time.
    Mage – they have good area damage spells. Unlike many other MMORPGs mages in fiesta don’t have healing spells.

    Fiesta Online has many interesting quests for one or more players.
    Kingdom Quests are quests for groups of up to 15 players that include fighting monsters and having fun.

    Game Help – I like that part. Fiesta has an easy to understand and follow instructions, and most important - they are short! Beginners won’t have many problems playing.

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    Tuesday, March 25, 2014

    windows 7 useful tricks

    1. Dont just maximize your windows—go full screen

    When you need a really big window for viewing photos and videos, dont just maximize it: go full screen! This tip works great for viewing photos and videos at maximum size in Windows Explorer or Windows Media Player, utilizing screen space usually occupied by the header at the top of the screen and the taskbar at the bottom. Here’s how:
    Open any photo in Windows Explorer, or open a photo or video clip in Windows Media Player. Do one of the following:
    • In Windows 7 and Windows XP, click the F11 key at the top of your keyboard.
    The photo or video image enlarges to its maximum size and the title bar and taskbar are hidden.
    Viewing a photo in Windows Explorer standard view
    Viewing a photo in Windows Explorer standard view
    To undo full-screen mode and restore the window to its normal view, press the Esc(Escape) key at the top of your keyboard

    2. Customize the Navigation pane

    You can use the navigation pane (the left pane) to find files and folders and display links to frequently used folders and other items. You can also move or copy items to a destination in the navigation pane.
    If you dont see the navigation pane on the left side of an open folder window, clickOrganize, point to Layout, and then click Navigation pane to display it.

    To customize the navigation pane in Windows 7

    1. In an open folder or library window, click Organize, and then click Folder and search options.
    2. In the Folder Options dialog box, click the General tab, and then do one or both of the following:
      • To show all the folders on your computer in the navigation pane, including your personal folder, select the Show all folders check box, click Apply to see the change, and then click OK.
      • To automatically expand the navigation pane to the folder thats selected in the folder window, select the Automatically expand to current foldercheck box, and then click OK.
    Customizing the navigation pane in Windows 7
    Customizing the navigation pane in Windows 7

    More ways to customize your favorites in Windows 7

    • To add a folder, a saved search, a library, or even a drive as a favorite, drag it to theFavorites section in the navigation pane. Note: You can’t add individual file to Favorites, but you can add them to any folder in Favorites.
    • To change the order of favorites, drag a favorite to a new position in the list.
    • To restore the default favorites in the navigation pane, right-click Favorites, and then click Restore Favorite Links.
    • To view the folder where your favorites are stored, click Favorites in the navigation pane. Favorites are stored as shortcuts.
    • To remove a favorite, right-click the favorite, and then click Remove. This removes the favorite from the navigation pane—it doesnt delete the files or folders that the shortcut points to.
    The Favorites area of the navigation pane in Windows 7
    The Favorites area of the navigation pane in Windows 7

    Add folders and files in Windows Vista

    In Windows Vista, you can add folders to Favorite Links in the navigation pane so that you can open them from any folder window at any time. To do this, first open the folder that contains the subfolder you want to add. Then simply drag its icon from the original folder to where you want it in the navigation pane. You can also clickFolders at the bottom of the pane and drag a folder from the folder list up into the Favorite Links section of the pane. Note: You can’t add individual files to Favorite Links, but you can add them to any folder in Favorite Links.
    Pictures folder in Windows
    Pictures folder in Windows

    3. Pin a program or items to the Windows 7 taskbar

    You know what would make a great taskbar? One where you could pin your favorite applications or files so that you could open them quickly from any window at any time. Guess what? You can.
    In Windows 7, you can also pin shortcuts for favorite or frequently used files, folders, and websites to the Jump Lists for each of those programs to the taskbar. Learn more about Jump Lists.
    Pin a program to the taskbar
    To pin a program shortcut to the taskbar, do one of the following:
    • If the program is already running, right-click the programs button on the taskbar (or drag the button toward the desktop) to open the program’s Jump List, and then click Pin this program to taskbar.
    • Or if the program isnt running, click Start, find the program’s icon, right-click the icon, and then click Pin to Taskbar.
    • You can also pin a program by dragging the programs shortcut from the desktop or Start menu to the taskbar.
    Pinning a program to the taskbar
    Pinning a program to the taskbar

    Using Jump Lists in Windows 7

    4. Customize the Quick Launch Bar in Windows XP

    In Windows XP, the customizable Quick Launch Bar also gives you convenient shortcuts to your favorite programs, folders, and files. The Quick Launch Bar remains accessible from most windows, so it’s a handy way to open the applications and files you use frequently.
    If the Quick Launch Bar isn’t already visible to the right of the Start button Start button, you’ll need to turn it on. To do that, right-click an open area of the taskbar. Hover your mouse pointer over Toolbars, then click Quick Launch. The Quick Launch Bar appears on your taskbar.
    The Quick Launch Bar on the Windows XP taskbar
    The Quick Launch Bar on the Windows XP taskbar
    To add a program shortcut to the Quick Launch Bar, click the Start buttonStart button, click All Programs, then click and drag the application you want to the Quick Launch Bar. Release the mouse button and the application’s icon appears in the Quick Launch Bar.
    To add a folder or file shortcut to the Quick Launch Bar, open Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder, subfolder, or individual file you want, click and drag the folder or file you want to the Quick Launch Bar. Release the mouse button and the icon for the folder or file appears in the Quick Launch Bar.
    To remove a shortcut from the Quick Launch Bar, right-click on the icon in the Quick Launch Bar of the application, folder, or file you want to remove and right-click it, click Delete, and then click Yes when asked if you’re sure you want to delete the shortcut. Note: Although the shortcut is removed from the Quick Launch Bar, the actual application, folder, or file has not been deleted from your computer.

    5. Arrange windows on your desktop

    In Windows, you can arrange windows side by side, which can be especially helpful when comparing two documents or when moving files from one place to another.Note: If you’re using a nonstandard setup (such as dual monitors), the tricks below may not work as expected.

    Windows 7

    1. Drag the title bar of a window to the left or right side of the screen until an outline of the expanded window appears.
    2. Release the mouse to expand the window.
    3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 with another window to arrange the windows side by side.
    To return a window to its original size click the Maximize button in the window’s title bar and the window expands to full size.
    The Maximize button
    The Maximize button
    Learn more about managing multiple windows in Windows 7.
    Tip: To snap an active window to the side of the desktop by using the keyboard, press Windows logo key Windows logo key +Left Arrow or Windows logo key Windows logo key +Right Arrow.
    Viewing windows side by side in Windows
    Viewing windows side by side in Windows

    Windows Vista and Windows XP

    In Windows Vista and Windows XP, it’s easy to display any two (or more) windows side by side on the desktop, all equally sized. Press and hold the Ctrl key and click two or more of the window buttons on the taskbar that you want to open. Release the Ctrl key, right-click, and then do one of the following:
    • Windows Vista users, click Show Windows Side by Side.
    Windows Vista, Show Windows Side by Side command.
    Windows Vista, Show Windows Side by Side command.
    Windows XP, Tile Vertically command.
    Windows XP, Tile Vertically command.

    6. Organize your files into groups

    Windows offers a variety of options for organizing folders and files in the ways that work best for you.

    Windows 7

    The easiest and most effective way to organize your stuff in Windows 7 is to use file arrangements in your libraries.
    You can arrange files in the Documents library by author, for example, or you can arrange the Music library by artist if youre looking for an album or song by a particular band.
    To arrange a library
    1. In the taskbar, click the Windows Explorer button Windows Explorer button.
    2. In the navigation pane (the left pane), click a library (such as Music).
    3. In the library pane (above the file list), click the Arrange by menu, and then choose a property. For example, in the Music library, you can choose Artist to quickly arrange your music collection by artist.
      The Arrange by menu
      The "Arrange by" menu
    4. When you arrange your files, Windows doesnt just put your files in a different order. Instead, they are presented in a completely different way. The arrangements work differently depending on which one you choose. For example, arranging your pictures by month puts your pictures into stacks, like this:
      Files arranged in stacks
      Files arranged in "stacks"
      Arranging by day puts them into groups, like this:
      Files arranged in groups
      Files arranged in "groups"
      There are four default libraries in Windows 7, each with its own specific arrangements. You can also create new libraries and choose which arrangements are available for them.
      For more information about libraries, see Working with libraries.

    Windows Vista

    Open a folder that contains several different subfolders and file types. Right-click any empty space on the windows contents pane, point to Group By, and then click your grouping choice.
    Windows Vista Group by command.
    Windows Vista Group by command.

    Windows XP

    Open a folder that contains several different subfolders and file types. Right-click any empty space on the windows contents pane, point to Arrange Icons By, and then click Show in Groups. To arrange the windows contents, right-click again in any empty space on the windows contents pane, point to Arrange Icons By, and clickNameSizeType, or Modified (the choices may vary depending on the contents).
    Windows XP Arrange icons by command.
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    Monday, March 24, 2014

    RF Online


    RF Online (Rising Force) is a MMORPG by CCR Inc. The game is combination of science fiction and fantasy. The central place in the game is the conflict between the three races - Accretia, Bellato and Corа.

    Accretia is a race of cyborgs, forced to use artificial bodies due to harsh environment on their home planet. Their technology is superior. They can not use magic.
    Bellato - they are the smallest people. Bellato are race of inventors, they can combine tools and weapons with the Light from the universal magic.
    Cora - ancient race, highly spiritual and gifted with natural magic.
    Like many other MMORPGs RFO has customizable characters.

    Currently RF Online is free to play with no monthly fees and no required box purchase.

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    Super Mario Galaxy Second Impressions

    Well I got some more time with Galaxy, and it has blown every other game right out of the water. The amount of variation between the now 6 galaxies is out-standing. On top of which, I am still only a fraction through the game.

    The second galaxy you get to play on is themed around Bees. The bee suit is one of the more simple suits in Galaxy, apparently, however, just the dynamics it adds are incredible. The boss in this galaxy is considerably harder than in the first Galaxy, but still shouldnt take you very long to complete.

    I also got to play on the much famed Ray Surfing level. This is the first level to properly use the Wiimote, and it works fantastically. It doesnt feel gimmicky or even unnecessary. The controls are easy to use and have all the finesse of Super Monkey Ball and the whole point of that was game was its fidelity! This track is amazingly fun, and I still race down it to try and beat my time (1:01:78 if anyone wants to try) and on top of this it is accessible, with my own mother being able to play it.

    In addition this, I played on the remainder of the observatory (of which I think there are 8) This included the big boss fight against one of Bowser Jr.s hench robot things. Looked, graphically, very impressive but it was easy to beat. It also included a small galaxy based on one planetoid of flip switches, but this was clearly a bonus galaxy if you like. However, possibly my high light for the entire game so far was on galaxy that was outside the observatory. In it, you are standing on this base that looks a little like party rings with cookie cutter shapes cut in to it. Sounds normal, but it is moving, and not the way you want to go. It starts off just going the opposite way to you. Then it starts going horizontally, and then swapping between the two horizontals as you go along, then switches to curves and ends with entire sections missing. It is tricky to explain, so either play on it yourself or watch this video:

    Overall, I am loving every minute of this game and I cant wait till after Christmas where I can play it without restrictions. Also got to play on Call of Duty 4 for the 360. Will be doing some impressions for that too,but it is as amazing as everyone says it is.
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    Sunday, March 23, 2014

    Hellgate London

    Hellgate, originally known as Hellgate: London, is a dark fantasy themed action role-playing game originally developed by Flagship Studios, released on October 31, 2007. It was developed by a team headed by former Blizzard Entertainment employees, some of whom had overseen the creation of the Diablo series. In 2008 Flagship Studios filed bankruptcy and all intellectual property was seized because it was used as collateral for funding received from Comerica Bank. Subsequently, development of the game halted. Namco Bandai Games provided free ongoing US/EU server support in the fall of Flagship Studios until 31 January 2009, when the US/EU multiplayer game servers and websites were taken offline.[5] HanbitSoft has since acquired properties to the game and has redeveloped it as Hellgate London: Resurrection. As of June 2011, Hanbitsofts redesigned game is currently live in Korea,[6] and the North American release, published by subsidiary T3Fun, has undergone (closed) beta testing and open beta testing commenced on June 30, 2011 as free to play.[7]
    Set in a post-apocalyptic London in the year 2038, Hellgate: London is a fast paced action role playing hack and slasher. It includes random elements from roguelikes such as weapon and armor attributes, item drops, mob spawns and level composition. The game featured both singleplayer and online multiplayer support when it was released although US/EU online support has since shutdown. Flagship Studios released one major MP content update The Stonehenge Chronicles and the second The Abyss Chronicles on the test server before the studios closure. The singleplayer version features a five act story quest line and when completed, the player is eligible to restart the story line again in Nightmare difficulty and create new characters in Elite mode.

    Game lore

    [edit]Factions and classes
    The Hellgate: London setting has six classes to choose from. These are paired up into three main archetypes, or Factions as they are referred to in game. Players need to choose one of these classes for their role playing character before they can start playing the game. The factions are split as follows;
    Templars, the fighter faction, are of an order of divine warriors who wish to preserve humanity and smite the Great Dark that has fallen upon the world. Their two classes are Guardians and Blademasters.
    Cabalists, the mage faction, are seekers of knowledge who want to control the fate of mankind by studying the Great Dark and using their powers. Their classes are Summoners and Evokers.
    Hunters, the ranger faction, are highly trained ex-military operatives who have been through almost every warlike scenario imaginable. Marksmen and Engineers are their classes.

    Hellgate: London is an action role-playing game that builds upon the core design of roguelikes by using random generation of maps, monsters, and loot to allow for replayability.[8] The game can be played in either third person perspective or first person perspective. Melee classes are set to a third-person view and cannot select first-person perspective, whereas ranged classes default to a first-person view but can switch to third-person if so desired. Precision aiming is not required to use most weapons; which track their targets, "lock-on", or carpet an area with explosives. The game contains sniper rifles and other weapons that require accurate manual aiming, though most are exclusive to the Hunter faction. Hellgate: London can be played offline or online without a fee. Players can pay a monthly fee to gain additional content over time, including new areas, weapons, monsters, classes, quests, events, titles, game modes and other content.[9] The game consists of six acts to unify the areas a player travels through on a greater scale. All acts account for approximately 25–40 hours of single-player gameplay.
    The game world of Hellgate: London is a set of demon-infested dungeons and city streets, featuring safe zones such as disused Underground stations. The safe zones scattered across the world act as havens, where players can purchase and upgrade items at NPC merchants, interact with other players in the game world, and commence or complete quests. The journey between zones is randomly generated, levels are fully 3D, rendered with the games own proprietary graphics engine. Included in these environments are randomly generated enemies, bosses and items. The game features historical London areas and buildings, St Pauls Cathedral was featured in an early concept art drawing. Another building that has been brought up in an interview is the Clock Tower which houses Big Ben.[citation needed]
    The singleplayer version of Hellgate: London hosts the 5 act story quest line. Elite characters can be created once a character has completed the story quest line once. The story line can be repeated in Nightmare difficulty starting with mobs starting at level 30. A characters experience is capped at 50 levels while enemies in Nightmare difficulty can reach level 62.
    The last SP patch Flagship Studios released is known as version 1.2. The file is no longer officially hosted but can be found from various third parties.
    NB: The original servers were shut down on February 1, 2009.[10] By July 2011 Hellgate:London multiplayer servers were relaunched using a free to play model.[11]
    Hellgate: London was initially designed to be primarily focused on solo and cooperative PvE combat, but players can duel and there is a free-for-all PvP Mode for subscribers. Dueling can only take place outside of Underground hubs. Players can also choose to enter into PvP mode, which means they can be attacked and harmed outside of Underground hubs by anyone else that has chosen to enter PvP mode. That is, those in PvP mode, must always be ready for PvP. This is a way to have wide-ranging free-for-alls, or create a "friendly-fire" way of playing the game.[12] In multiplayer mode, players can meet and organize for team play and quests in safe zones - the old Underground stations, protected by the Freemasons wards. The world will not be split in "shards" or servers, but rather play like a massively multiplayer online game with heavy instancing, such as Guild Wars. Every character is capable of soloing the entire game. Grouping with other players is optional, though grouping will bring benefits in terms of experience gain and items. As the number of players within an instance increase, the difficulty of the instance increases. The game does not feature LAN support.
    [edit]Character creation
    Players may choose the characters name, and various visual physical attributes.
    Depending on whether playing singleplayer or multiplayer, several different difficulty settings will be available when creating new characters. A character is permanently locked to the chosen mode.
    [edit]Normal mode
    Normal mode is the optimal difficulty setting.
    [edit]Elite mode
    Elite mode is designed to be harder than normal difficulty with several adjustments to game mechanics. Enemies are stronger, deal more damage and rare/legendary mobs are 4x more likely to spawn. Augments are also more expensive and merchants pay less for goods. Elite mode is only accessible after Sydonai has been defeated in normal mode or reaching Level 20.
    [edit]Hardcore mode
    Hardcore mode is played in either Normal or Elite difficulty with the added attribute a character permanently dies and turns into a ghost when all health is lost (permadeath).

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    Minimum System Requirements:
    CPU: 1.8GHz or faster (2.4GHz for Vista)
    RAM: 1 GB (2GB for Vista) or more
    VGA: DirectX 9.0c/10 compatible device w/ 128MB RAM or better and Pixel Shader 2.0 support; requires NVIDIA GeForce 6200/ATI Radeon 9000 chipset or greater
    DX: DirectX 9.0c/10
    OS: Windows XP with SP2 or Windows Vista
    HDD: 7.0 GB or more free space
    Sound: DirectX 9.0c/10 compatible sound device
    ODD: 8x DVD or faster
    Network: Connection required for multiplayer
    Recommended peripheral: Compatible Keyboard and mouse
    Note: NOTE: Play experience is improved with additional RAM and higher performance video devices. Video card with 128 MB or more memory, Pixel Shader 2.0, and one of these chipsets is required: ATI Radeon 9000 or greater NVIDIA GeForce 6200 or greater NVIDIA GeForce 8800 recommended for DirectX 10
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    Thursday, March 20, 2014

    Postpaid is the New Prepaid iPhone 5 Friction from Smart and Globe

    I've tried ALL telcos over the past years and they truly have their plus and minuses. I handle a lot of stuff and I have, believe it or not, 7 numbers, 2 dual-sim phones, 3 single sim phones and 1 mobile wifi. The breakdown?

    1 PLDT wireless landline (Personal and business)
    1 Smart Prepaid (Business)
    2 Smart Postpaids (1 personal, 1 business)
    1 Sun Postpaid (Personal)
    1 Globe Prepaid (Business)
    1 Globe Postpaid (Mobile Broadband)

    I don't bring with me all of those everyday but they are used one way or the other as specified. I keep some numbers private just in case I don't want to be bugged. Admittedly, the hardest ones to maintain are the prepaid numbers. You have to load credits from time to time unless you want your credits expired and eaten up.
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    Wednesday, March 19, 2014

    10 Must Follow Twitter Accounts in the Philippines

    Twitter has turned out to be one of the most up-to-date source for both confirmed and unconfirmed reports, news and updates. At the end of the day, it's up to us which to believe. Here are 10 Twitter accounts you MUST follow to stay updated and to be in the know.

    List presented below is in no particular order.

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    Tuesday, March 18, 2014

    Review Rating Scale Criteria

    When I first started doing set reviews I was rating them based on intuition.  That allows for a lot of personal interpretation and over time things will get sloppy.  Which is no help for any of you when Im doing building block set reviews as youre looking for fairly concrete information as to why you should, or shouldnt, buy the set Im discussing.  So I decided to be critical about why Im being critical.  Ive come up with a series of questions and attendant point values that will give a clearer picture of how useful a set may be.

    The Questions:
    Can you build a frame, or frames, right away? (Yes = +5 / No = -5)
    Is it below, at, or above the golden ratio? (Below = +5 / At = 0 / Above = -10)
    If you cant build a frame right away, does it have parts you should be able to put into use right away? (Yes = +5 / No = -5)
    Does it have more than a handful of immediately useful parts? (Yes = +5 / No = -5)

    Added to a base score of zero (0), the answers to these questions should give a range of -25 to +20 points.  Which gives us the following scores and ratings:
     +20 = A+
    +15 = A
    +10 = A-
    +5 = B+
    0 = B
    -5 = B-
    -10 = C+
    -15 = C
    -25 = C-.

    Ill be using this system from now on for my reviews.
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    Monday, March 17, 2014

    Freelance graphic designers jobs

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    Armor Girl Project AGP MS Girl RX 0 Unicorn Gundam New Images Updated 2 19 14

    Armor Girl Project (AGP) MS Girl RX-0 Unicorn Gundam (Release Date: Mar 2014, Price: 5,800 yen)

    MS Girl Unicorn Gundam will include the weapons “Armed Armor DE" and “Hyper Beam Javelin" which can be used with the Robot Damashii (Side MS) Unicorn Gundam Full Action Ver.!  
    [Updated 2/19/14]

    [Updated 2/9/14]

    [Updated 1/21/14]

    Images via Amiami

    [Updated 1/17/14]

    [Updated 12/26/2013]

    [Updated 12/21/2013]

    [Updated 12/8/13] 
    [Updated 11/29/13]

    [Updated 11/19/13]

    [Updated 11/15/13]

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