Friday, March 7, 2014

Where has Kim been Stockholm baby

Yes, I spent last week in Stockholm. A month before that I spent a week in Linköping and a day in Stockholm. Gotta say that I pretty much love Sweden. Four visits now and I would love to go back again. All of these were for business, but I always manage to get out on the last day (staying over the Saturday drops the cost of air fare by over 50%) and we generally have dinner in Gamla Stan, a stunning thousand year old area of narrow streets and cobblestones. Really, really nice.

Anyway, I will do my best to blog some images soon(ish) … in the meantime, here are a few from my Samsung Galaxy sIII :-)

Waiting for the Arlanda Express to take me to Stockholm CentralStation:

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The Radisson Blu Waterfront Hotel (no, Blu is not the spelling in Swedish for Blue … that would be Blå so I don’t know why they clipped the word. Just a trademark one presumes) rooms are large and well appointed. You get instant coffee and tea.

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The location of this hotel is right next to CentraStation, so I can recommend it for anyone who wants to get around Stockholm quickly and hassle free. Gamla Stan is a 20m walk or a 5m t-bana ride.

A meal of moose in Gamla Stan at the Ardbeg Embassy. (

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Remember, the phone took the image in the dark, and the meal was excellent. They are apparently known for a huge selection of single malt whiskeys and one of my coworkers from Sweden suggested that the beer list from a certain excellent microbrewery was the most extensive he has ever seen in one place. Recommended.

I got some nice shot on the real cameras in Gamla Stan on several nights and days, but the rainy night was especially fruitful. I also got some nice images from the water as I finally got to tour the Stockholm Archipelago from a boat. The tour was called “Under the Bridges” and I can recommend it as a nice way to learn about Stockholm’s history and see some of the many islands that make up this city.

On the last day I had an Atkins bar for breakfast in my room, then 3 hours later I had this wonderful panini at Arlanda airport:

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Some number of hours later I had this wonderful burger in London at terminal 3 Heathrow.

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And of course dinner in Ottawa.

I had a great time and will post some of the thousands of images I took on the two trips when I get them processed.

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