Saturday, April 26, 2014

2D Animation Dooppel! by Hidessu

ひでっす 中川英樹 Hidessu

2D Animation Student in Japan

Youtube Channel:

2D Animation - 【DOOPPEL!】

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WETA Animator Daniel Zettl

WETA 3D Animator Daniel Zettl

Blog with tutorials in Animation:

Daniel Zettl is currently a senior character animator at WETA Digital. With 8+ years of animation background, his working credits included Avatar (2009), Rise of the Planet of Apes (2010), The Adventure of Tin Tin: Secret of the Unicorn (2011), etc. and is currently working on The Hobbit.

He shares his tips in Animation on his blog: Below is his Demo Reel.

Demo Reel:

Animation tutorials
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Friday, April 25, 2014

Time planning

How more efficient have I become?

More efficient, much more

Now I have time for self-development
Now I have time that I have lacked for the last 4 years. Now I can read books not only on economics, but just books, classic books. Now I have time to go in for sport. No more rush in my life, now I feel confident and safe. Im no longer afraid to forget anything. So many changes have come for this month and a half.

Many things that seemed to be delayed forever are now in progress
I think that anyone has such things in life that are left in a closet for some future because there is never time to spend on them. I used to have this kind of closet. But on some nice day I realized that it was the day when I could afford it. I can afford to spend my time on it without being afraid that it will negatively affect my business. How do I feel about it? It is like a long-awaited meeting with an old friend.


Thank YOU A LOT for this product. For its fast development. For a completely unique forum with its unique atmosphere.
Thank you also for this [Contest] What did LeaderTask give me?
I give you my word, before I got down to writing it (because of the licenses so generously offered Smiley and its not that I dont have money, but I consider this offer as an opportunity to earn software by spending a bit of time), I had not realized how much changed in my life, how I changed after LT appeared in my life and people it attracted. As to forum, honestly I have never come across such friendly and efficient communication. By the way, writing this material has already taken two days Smiley . So may ideas come to my mind. Understanding and surprise about how a simple software program created with LOVE can change the life of those who gets to work with it and I have no doubts that the developers love their creation.
Thank you for provoking me into writing this material with your generosity.

Download organizer

Time planning
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Sculpture Artist Damon Bard Bard Sculpture Studio

[ Sculpture Artist ] Damon Bard - Bard Sculpture Studio

Sculpting Maquette for Kung Fu Panda, Ratatouille, Coraline, and more

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点选图片以查看原图 点选图片以查看原图
点选图片以查看原图 点选图片以查看原图
点选图片以查看原图 点选图片以查看原图
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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Enterprise automation

MultiSet stably runs on any type of Windows operating system.align = "left" vspace="5" hspace="5" border="0">

Windows installation and software configuration is a long and laborious process.
The crisis requires not only organizational measures, but also reduced expenses.
Any enterprise has quite a few computers with installed software on them.
The software is being constantly updated, new programs appear and they have to be installed on all computers. Let us take a typical example.

An enterprise has 20-30 computers, new software has been bought, old
software has been updated. The system administrator goes the route of computers
doing routine operations installing, configuring, updating software.
Computers are located in different buildings, it takes time to round them all.
Manual installation often results in errors (human factor). As a result, the
employee spends a lot of time and nerves while the organization wastes money due to low efficiency. How to avoid it?

The solution is to use the automatic Windows and software installer Almeza MultiSet. This automation software precisely reproduces actions without human participation.

Why particularly Almeza MultiSet?

Reliability. MultiSet stably runs on any type of Windows operating system.

Quickness. Due to its innovational algorithm, MultiSet performs its functions fast, exactly and, which is most important, reliably.

Effectiveness. Banks, government organizations, customer support
services, large corporations already use MultiSet, which proves the actual usefulness of MultiSet in practice.

As a result of using the program, the organization does not need to hire more specialists thus saving time and money:
The employees efficiency increases and it is possible to focus on solving
pressing issues. The system administrator easily installs software on remote
computers using his own workstation. The specialists time and health is saved.

Download Free 30-day Trial:


Unattended Installation Windows

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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Texas PC Repair Now Requires PI License

From its Texas Rangers to its enthusiastic take on the death penalty, the Lone Star State has long been known for its aggressive stance on law enforcement. Thanks to a strange new, law its a sting that may soon be felt by a number of the states computer-repair people.

A recently passed law requires that Texas computer-repair technicians have a private-investigator license, according to a story posted by a Dallas-Fort Worth CW affiliate .

In order to obtain said license, technicians must receive a criminal justice degree or participate in a three-year apprenticeship. Those shops that refuse to participate will be forced to shut down. Violators of the new law can be hit with a $4,000 dollar fine and up to a year in jail, penalties that apply to customers who seek out their services.

Some of the areas larger companies already employee technicians with PI licenses, a fact which generally doesnt apply to small computer repair shops.

Originally published on Gearlog .


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Smart Christmas Midnight Rush Smart iPhone 5 Launch

This is the second iPhone launch I've attended. The last one was the launch of the iPhone 4S. I didn't quite enjoy the iPhone 4S launch last year and wished that I attended the launch in Rockwell rather than the other one. For the other one, majority of the crowd dispersed after midnight but the other one continued on offering free movies, games and more food! Closing down a mall for a launch!? how cool is that?

This time I attended the Smart iPhone 5 launch and they made sure that everyone got their hands on the iPhone 5. What Smart did was open up satellite launch locations in different parts of Metro Manila and major cities in the provinces. Other than the main launch event which happened at the Republiq Club (Actually, since there was too many people, the launch happened in the activity area of RW Manila in front of Republiq) with DJ Toni Toni, Sam YG and Slick Rick as hosts. Other locations were: Dillingers in Makati, Reserve in Ortigas, Trilogy Boutique in ATC, Jack's Loft in Eastwood, Starr in Davao, Penthouse in Cebu City and several Smart business centers (Greenhills, Limketkai, CDO).

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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Tips Before You Buy SWM Dish Online

By Mollie Burton

You want a direct tv connection at home. You have decided that this would be a good way for you to meet your entertainment needs. You are not really satisfied with the number of channels that are on your current tv plan. Plus, the reception is not that good as well. So, you decided to get this direct tv installed in its place instead.

For this, you have decided that you would buy SWM dish online. You need this device to get the direct tv connection established you know that there are a number of stores and outlets that are selling them around. However, for this particular purchase, you want to get it from the web. So you want to make sure that you are doing the right steps in making the purchase.

Many buyers tend to find this choice to be most ideal for their buying needs. After all, they an actually make the purchase even when they have to come from the very comforts of their homes. They do not have to take long drives to where they are actually headed to. So, they are sure that they would not have to really travel far and just order the stuff they want from where they currently are.

Understand that as may people might think that buying on the web is safer, there is a different kind of danger that lurks here. Sure, you can get rid of the dangers of being pick pocketed when you shop through this option. But the greater danger lies on you getting your data stolen by others. So, some security and safety safeguards need to be put in place to help prevent this from happening.

If you arent too sure where to buy stuff, ask for suggestions. There are people that have actually bought the same stuff from the same sources before. If you have friends who did, then ask them to give you referrals instead so you know exactly where to head to this time.

Get feedback details about these providers that you are trying to get assistance from too. You need to get an idea of what these providers are known for from actual people that have dealt with them and done business with them before. Then, you would know exactly what it is that you can expect to get from them.

Know what other products the providers have to offer too. It is always a good thing that you have a good idea of the many other choices that they can offer you with, you would not really want to be referring to people that can only so much as offer you very limited choices. You want to be able to have options and having a number of them is a good sign that you are actually looking at the right people.

Consider how much you are going to be charged for the purchase too. Try to find out different rates coming from different providers. This will allow you to make comparisons. At the same time, this helps make it a lot easier to go for an option that would be well within the budget that you have set. Also, ask how much the shipping fee is going to be too.

About the Author:

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Friday, April 18, 2014

Set the Throttle to Light Speed with a 1000 Core Processor

Just when you thought the computer you built last week with a six core i7 was beast, Scientists at the University of Glasgow have to one up you. Theyve used a new technique called Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) to make programable CPU cores. The cores can be assigned to individual tasks with their own allotted memory bank. Using this technology these Scottish scientists have reached speeds 20x that of todays fastest processor. Dr Vanderbauwhede hopes to present his research at the Wenternational Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing in March next year.

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Thursday, April 17, 2014


Hi Friends! Today I am show how to add Snow Effect in Blogger mouse area. It is worked Animated . It is very nice things in blog and Show very nice blog. It is a wonderful effect in blog. So no more late , now we learn how to add animated mouse cursors in blog.

Step-1:  At first Log-In your blog account.Select Layout from Dashboard. Like this picture............
Step-2:  Now select Html/JavaScript from Layout. Like this picture................
Step-3:   Then open a new window like this picture.........
  Step-4: Now copy this code................


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  Step-5: Now paste this code in Content and Title must be give.

Step-6:  Now Save and View blog.

..............................................................ENJOY FRIENDS..................................................................

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How to Find the Sender’s Location in Gmail

Gmail does not include the IP address of the sender in the message header so user do user find out the location of the email sender in Gmail?

When John sends an email message to Elizabeth, the IP address of the sender (John’s computer) is included in the header of the outgoing email message. The receiver (Elizabeth) can then perform a simple geo-lookup against that IP address to find the approximate geographic location of the message sender.
Both Yahoo! Mail and Hotmail include IP addresses in outgoing message headers but if John is sending an email address using Gmail, or Gmail for Google Apps, his IP address won’t be included in the message.
IP addresses can be considered sensitive information. As such, Gmail may hide sender IP address information from outgoing mail headers in some circumstances.
If the IP address of John is not available, because he is sending email using Gmail, how can Elizabeth determine John’s geographic location? There two options:
Option A: Gmail may include the IP Address
Gmail doesn’t include the IP address of the sender when the sender is using Gmail’s web interface to send email. However if he or she is using a desktop client (like Microsoft Outlook) or a mobile device to send that email, the IP address is often included in the outgoing message.
Open the message in Gmail, click on More – > Show Original and search for the line “Received: from “ – it may have the IP address of the sender that user can map to a physical location with the help of Wolfram Alpha.
Option B: Find the Sender’s Time Zone
When the IP address is not available, user can determine the sender’s very-approximate location from the time-zone of the originating computer. Go userr Gmail Labs page and enable the “Sender Time Zone” feature.
Now open any message in Gmail and click on the down arrow that says “Show details”. The message will display the the current time in the sender’s time zone as shown in the following screenshot.
Next user can use this timezone map to determine countries where the current time is the same as the time displayed in the Gmail message. Obviously this not the most foolproof method as two different countries can be in the same time zone but when the IP address is not available in Gmail, this is the closest user can get.
On a related note, the time zone of userr outgoing Gmail messages is determined from userr computer’s time zone. If user would like userr Gmail messages to show a different time zone, just go to userr computer’s data and time settings and change the time zone.
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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Find the Person Behind an Email Address

You get an email from a person with whom user have never interacted before and therefore, before user reply to that message, user would like to know something more about him or her. How do user do this without directly asking the other person?

Web search engines are obviously the most popular place for performing reverse email lookups but if the person user’re trying to research doesn’t have a website or has never interacted with his email address on public forums before, Google will probably be of little help.
No worries, here are few tips and online services that may still help user uncover the identity of that unknown email sender.
#1. Find the sender’s location
Open the header of the email message and look for lines that say “Received: from” followed by an IP address in square brackets. If there are multiple entries, use the IP address mentioned in the last entry.
Now paste the IP address in this trace route tool and user should get a fairly good idea about the location of the email sender.
#2. Reverse email search with Facebook
Facebook has 450 million users worldwide and there’s a high probability that the sender may also have a profile on Facebook.
Unlike LinkedIn and most other social networks, Facebook lets user search users by email address so that should make userr job simpler. Just paste the email address of the sender into the Facebook search box and user’ll immediately know if a matching profile exists in the network.
If user are able to locate that person on Facebook, get his profile picture and then upload it to TinEye – it’s a reverse image search engine so user can locate his other social profiles where he may have used the same picture.
#3. Check all the other Social Networks
You can use a service like Knowem to quickly determine if a profile with a particular username exists in any of the social networks.
If the email address of the send is something like, there’s a probably that he or she may have created accounts of some other social network using the same alias “green_peas” – put that in to confirm.
#4. People Search
Finally, if nothing works, user should try a people search service like Pipl and Spokeo – both services let user perform reverse email lookups but Spokeo has a more comprehensive database than Pipl.
Other than regular web documents, Spoke also scans social networks and even the whois information of domain names to find any bit of information associated with an email address. However, some of the results returned by Spokeo are only available to subscribers.
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How to Import Gmail Messages into Outlook

Learn how to import userr Gmail messages into Outlook (or Hotmail) using the POP3 protocol. This is also available for Google Apps users.

You can easily import userr Gmail email messages into (or Hotmail) using the POP3 protocol. It can import all userr existing messages or user can even set it to import messages that arrive in Gmail after user have enabled POP.
Once Outlook has fetched userr emails, user can either configure Gmail to delete messages that have been processed or they can continue to remain in userr Gmail mailbox. The latter option is inconvenient as user will be left with two copies of the same email message and that may unnecessarily fill up userr Google storage space.

Connect Outlook with Gmail (including Google Apps)

Step 1: Open userr Gmail Settings and under the Account Forwarding tab, Enable POP. Save the settings and open
Gmail POP3 Settings
You need to enabled POP3 inside userr Gmails setting for Outlook to fetch userr emails.
Step 2: While user are in Outlook, click the Setting icon in the upper right corner and choose More Mail Settings. Click “Sending/receiving email from other accounts” and then choose “Add an Email account”.

Add userr Gmail account to import userr existing Gmail messages into Outlook (or Hotmail)
Step 3: If user are using a regular Gmail account, user can simple enter userr Gmail address and Google account password to connect Hotmail and Gmail.
If user are on Google Apps, click the Advanced option and enter userr full email address ( in the fieds – Email Address and POP3 user name. Set the incoming mail server as while the default port is 995.

Enter userr Gmail email address and password. If user have enabled 2-step verification in userr Google account, generate an app-specific password here.
One more thing. If user have enabled two-step verification in userr Google Account, user need to create an application specific password and enter that in userr Hotmail settings (and not userr regular Google Account password).
You can repeat the steps to add up to four different Gmail (or any other POP3) accounts to userr account. Microsoft says that userr account’s storage space will increase when required so am not sure if that should be a constraint anymore.
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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

LG MUZIQ Review  

Checked July 12, 2007 by Tong Zhang, Senior Editor
When Sprint introduced the LG FUSIC last year, they had the right idea: make a cell phone that’s also a strong music player with over the air track download, FM transmitter and Bluetooth stereo support. But the FUSIC’s design, with its white plastic body and colorful face plates gave some folks the impression that it targeted younger users and at the very entry-level. On July 15th 2007, Sprint customers will get the FUSIC’s replacement: the LG MUZIQ, a much more stylish and slim phone that offers many of FUSIC’s great music features plus more. The MUZIQ (pronounced “music”) sports a very different look: dressed in black, it appeals to more serious crowd. The external touch-control music keys remind us of the LG VX8600 and LG Chocolate.  The MUZIQ offers a full set of multimedia features including music, video, on-demand content and more. Those who liked the features on the FUSIC but were turned off by the looks might just fancy the MUZIQ.
The LG MUZIQ is a digital CDMA phone that’s offered by Sprint in the US. It also has support for Sprint’s Power Vision (EV-DO) network for data services such as music downloads, Sprint TV, web, messaging and application downloads.  
Design and Ergonomics
The MUZIQ scores a smooth and shinny black body that is slimmer and lighter than the FUSIC, a 2.2” bright display and external touch controls that light up like the LG Chocolate. The new look might be perfect for both youthful FUSIQ owners ready to move on to their next slick phone and us “boring” adults.
The 1.3 megapixel lens sits above the display and the speakerphone lives on the lower left corner outside of the touch control circle. The side buttons and ports look clean: volume controls and the charge/sync port are on the left side; and the camera launch button, music launch button, microSD card slot and headset jack are on the right. The battery is under the door on the back.
Phone Features and Reception
The LG MUZIQ is a digital dual band CDMA phone that operates on Sprint’s 800/1900 MHz network and has EVDO for data. It gets about the same signal strength as the Treo 700p and a bit stronger than the Samsung UpStage phone. In well covered areas the MUZIQ can get up to full bars and in marginally covered areas it will pull in 1/3 to half of full signal strength. Calls are clear and loud on both incoming and outgoing ends. The voice quality is better than the Treo 700p and we’ve not had any dropped calls in the Dallas area. The LG MUZIQ offers a nice set of call management features including call waiting, three-way calling and call forwarding. The Contacts database can store up to 99 speed dial numbers which enable one-touch or two-touch dialing. The contact database can store up to 500 contract entries, each can have 5 phone numbers in addition to email, group assignment, URL and a memo (street address, a note, etc.).  Though there is voice dialing software, there isn’t a dedicated key or button to launch the voice dialing quickly. You will need to go to Tools to launch Voice Control and dial numbers, bring up messaging and perform other tasks controlled by the voice command software. If you can take your eyes off the road to go through two levels of menu navigation you can probably find the contact you wish to dial in the Contacts database anyhow. One saving grace is that you can use voice dialing via Bluetooth headset or car kit which means you can launch the voice command software with one button on the headset without taking your eyes off the road. You can also check out Sprint’s voice command services which you will need to pay a fee for.
The LG MUZIQ wants to be your mobile phone and music player, as the fashionably phonetically spelled name implies (unlike Motorola, at least LG uses vowels). It offers external music touch controls, a micro SD card slot compatible with cards up to 4 gigs, 99 cents per song over the air music download and Sprint’s desktop music manager. Also in the package, you will get a 3.5mm stereo headset adapter with built-in microphone. Very nice! For an entry-level phone, the MUZIQ has a strong set of music features. The music player can play MP3, AAC, AMR, MP4, M4V, KOZ and more formats, but doesn’t support WMA format. You can pause the music playback and take phone calls, access other applications and resume play when you are ready for music again. The external display is capable of displaying sound track name; progress bar and you can use the external touch control to switch tracks and play/pause the playback. You must open the flip if you want to completely quit the music player though. The front facing speaker (located on the front flip) is loud and clear for sharing music with friends and the $0.99 per song is still the cheapest over the air song download among US cell phone carriers. Though you can get $0.99/song on the Apple iPhone on AT&T, it’s not an over the air download. In addition to the music player, there is also a basic music composer on the MUZIQ phone where you can hum or play the virtual keyboard to compose melody lines.
There’s yet another perk in music playback: the built-in FM transmitter (not to be confused with FM radio). While the music player is playing a music track, go to Options menu and select FM transmitter on. Then put the phone close to your car radio or home stereo, you will hear the music pipe through the phone. The frequency range for the FM transmitter is 88.1 through 107.9 MHz and the phone has to be very close to the radio for it to work without noticeable interference.

The LG’s large and bright display is great for viewing photos and watching video. Sprint includes Sprint TV with the MUZIQ which provides on-demand streaming video sized for cell phones. There’s plenty of free content including prime time TV shows like Lost, Desperate Housewives, sports, news and much more (a Power Vision data package is required however). There are also lots of channels and programs that you can subscribe to for a fee. There are also many Spanish channels. The video quality varies depending on the quality of the production and the speed of your data network. Some videos had major frame drops and playback delays in our tests including many clips from E!, but others like Lost played find. The video sound through the phone’s built-in speaker is good, but since the speaker is facing away from you when the flip is open, it’s some times hard to hear the audio.
right side
right side
To store music, photos and video you take with the phone’s camera, you can use the microSD card slot that supports up to 4GB microSD cards. The phone will format the card the first time you save photos, video, music to it, and files will need to be in certain folders for the phone to play music, view photos and video.
The MUZIQ has a built-in 1.3 megapixel camera, just as did the FUSIC. The camera offers three resolutions (960 x 1280, 480 x 640, 240 x 320) and three quality levels (fine, normal and economy). The LG’s camera has very granular zoom levels (1x to 15x) and a weak built-in flash. Photo quality is good; there is some noise in outdoor shots, but not bad at all for a 1.3 megapixel camera. The camera adds a little contrast to the photos and it sometimes darkens scenes. But it captures plenty of data in outdoor shots to allow constructive editing on desktop. Indoor shots show much more noise compared to outdoor shots, which is common. The built-in flash is quite weak, and thus doesn’t help indoor shots much. You can store the photos on the phone or on a microSD card, send them to people as MMS (up to 25 contacts at a time), upload them to Sprint’s picture mail or other online photo albums, or use them as picture ID photos, incoming call images, screen savers and more.
The MUZIQ’s camera is also capable of recording videos with audio. You can choose from 2 resolutions (144 x 176 and 96 x 128), three quality levels and two video lengths (Video Mail and Long Video). Video quality is decent with some blue tint in low light environments. The speed is very good (no blockiness or dropped frames) and the audio is in sync with video. Like the photos, you can send the video clips to other people, upload them to online albums, store them on a memory card or on the phone.
sample photo
Though the colors are dramatic, the actual scene wasnt nearly this dark or contrasty.
sample photo
sample photo
The LG MUZIQ has integrated Bluetooth 1.2 and supports an impressive set of profiles for a feature phone at this price point. The most noticeable addition to the Bluetooth profiles is A2DP, which allows users to listen to music or video audio tracks via a wireless Bluetooth stereo headset. Other profiles supported include Headset Profile, Hands-Free profile, DUN (Dial-Up Network), OPP (Object Push for vCard and vCal), A2DP/AVRCP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile/Audio/Video Remote Profile), Basic Printing Profile, FTP and Phone Book Access Profile. We tested the phone with several Bluetooth headsets including stereo Bluetooth headsets and it easily paired with all.
When working with the Plantronics Explorer 330, the LG had good sound quality on both incoming and outgoing ends. The DSP on the Explorer 330 worked well with the MUZIQ and we heard minimal road noise in a hard top car. The volume was loud enough for most environments and range was about 15 feet between the phone and the headset. When working with the Sound ID SM100 EarModule the MUZIQ sounded good but we heard more background noise, especially wind. The Sound ID’s DSP wasn’t strong on the phones we’ve tested it with, but the MUZIQ had more noticeable wind noise and other background noise. We also heard some echoing on both incoming and outgoing ends. The range was about 5 feet between the Sound ID headset and the MUZIQ, not good, but that’s the fault on the headset not the phone.
It’s great to see an entry-level phone that supports A2DP for working with wireless stereo headsets via Bluetooth. We tested the MUZIQ with the Plantronics Pulsar 590A and the Motorola S9 Bluetooth stereo headphones. The MUZIQ paired with both fine but it didn’t play music through the Plantronics Pulsar 590A. It plays music fine through the Motorola S9 in stereo with loud volume. Sound quality is good but the Motorola S9 has white noise and hissing (this is the Motorola S9’s issue, we get the same white noise with other A2DP phones). When a call comes in the music will pause and you can take or ignore the call; when you finish with the call you can resume the music play. There is an option to switch between the phone and the headset while in a call.
Battery Life
The LG MUZIQ comes with a rechargeable Lithium Ion battery that’s 800 mAh in capacity (model LGIP-470A).  You can access the battery under the battery door by releasing the latch. The included AC travel charger (100-240V) uses LG’s proprietary connector. The claimed talk time is 4 hours, which was on target in our tests. The LG has good active-use battery life but in standby mode the battery lasts only 3 to 4 days. Watching Sprint TV over EV-DO for 45 minutes uses only a quarter of a full charge, and that’s the most battery draining activity. Listening music, taking photos and keeping Bluetooth radio on have normal impact on battery life. With moderate use, the phone should last 2 to 3 days on a charge.
In addition to the music player, Sprint TV and other cool apps, the LG MUZIQ comes with excellent On-Demand which is powered by Handmark. You get local information including local weather with current radar view of your local area and movie times from your local theaters once you put your zip code in. There is also national news, stocks, sports content and more.
PIM (personal information management) tools include Contacts, Scheduler, Alarm clock, calculator, notepad, World clock and voice memo. The LG supports SMS, MMS, VoiceSMS and web based email. There isn’t IM client bundled with the phone, but you can purchase any of the major IM client for a small fee over the air. A WAP browser is included for web viewing.
While there isn’t a full GPS onboard, you can download the Sprint Navigation application (which is powered by TeleNav) for a fee. The MUZIQ comes with an 8-day trial for this application which offers maps in 2D and 3D views, turn-by-turn navigation with voice guidance and POI (Points of Interest) database. Since there isn’t a full GPS, you can’t have the map follow your movement, but you can get directions by inputting addresses or using POIs to get driving directions along with route summaries, 2D/3D maps and more. In our tests, traffic checking had trouble because there was no GPS but other TeleNav features worked well.
A very solid entry-level feature phone that has a strong multimedia focus and enough applications to make it more interesting than just a boring cell phone. Sprint’s 99 cent music track price is attractive and Sprint TV is an added bonus. The phone looks more mature and stylish than the FUSIC phone that it replaces.
Pro: Slim and stylish design that will attract more users than the FUSIC. Large and bright display is great for video watching and photo viewing. Great number of Bluetooth profiles support including A2DP, though it didn’t get along with the Plantronics Pulsar 590A, which is generally very compatible with most A2DP phones and PDAs. Strong software bundle.
Con: Standby time is shorter than average.
Price: $99 with a two-year contract.
Web sites:

Display: Main display: 1.37 x 1.73 inches TFT screen, 176 x 220 pixels resolution. External display: 0.81 x 1.02 inches TFT screen, 128 x 160 pixels resolution.
Battery: Standard Lithium Ion battery. 800 mAh in capacity. The battery is rechargeable and user replaceable. Claimed talk time is 4 hours and claimed music-only mode is 10 hours.
Performance: Undisclosed processor. Contacts can hold up to 500 contacts.
Size: 3.80 x 1.94 x 0.61 inches. Weight: 3.14 ounces.
Phone: CDMA digital dual band (800/1900 MHz) with EVDO for data.
Camera: 1.3 megapixel camera with flash. Can take photos in 960 x 1280, 480 x 640, 240 x 320 pixels resolutions. The camera can also record video with audio.
Audio: Built-in speaker and mic. 2.5mm stereo headset jack and LG included a 2.5mm to 3.5mm stereo headset adapter with built-in mac. Music Player is included. Music playback formats supported: 3g2, mp4, 3gp, amr, aac, mp3, mid, qcp, 3gpp, pmd, m4v, m4a, koz. FM transmitter on board.
Networking: Bluetooth 1.2. Supported profiles: Headset Profile, Hands-Free profile, DUN (Dial-Up Network) Profile, OPP (Object Push for vCard and vCal), A2DP/AVRCP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile/Audio/Video Remote Profile), Basic Printing Profile, FTP and Phone Book Access Profile.
Software: Icon-based menu interface. Contacts, calendar, notepad, voice memo, alarm clock, world clock and calculator. Music player, Sprint TV and On Demand included. SMS, MMS, VoiceSMS, web browser, Mass storage (to PC), PictBridge, Voice Command onboard. 
Expansion: 1 microSD card slot. 64MB card included, supports up to 4GB card.
In the Box: The LG MUZIQ phone with standard battery, USB cable, 3.5 mm stereo headset adapter with microphone, AC charger, 64MB microSD card and adapter, music Manager CD, printed User Guide and other documents.
                                                                     ( Author : Tong Zhang, Source : mobiletechnews )
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Monday, April 14, 2014

Use Free Caller ID Lookup Services

By Eula Nichols

Technology has come such a long way in the recent years. It has the ability to divulge information at will. Therefore, it can be an asset in finding a trail which can lead to a required name, number or address of an individual or a company. Free Caller ID Lookup can do just that, whether you know the mobile or landline number, or just their address, it may be possible to attain the information for download by using this Web service.

This type of service can help to locate the details of the caller, such as their name, address, or number. Mostly, they will require that one of the identities is known, so that the rest can be searched for. There are many of these sites available as well as a number of Apps which could be used. Just be aware to look for the download sites.

A natural reaction is for most people to check the caller ID on their mobile device as soon as it rings. With this type of instant information, it is easy to identify who is calling before answering. It now becomes helpful to block calls of undesirable callers, such as top spammers. However, if the spammer is unknown there are also Apps that can be loaded to identify them. The latest Apps have an unlimited number of lookups.

There isnt a singular directory that can be flipped through when searching for contact particulars anymore. Not like it was in the years prior to the mobile and handheld explosion. Gone are the days of leaving home without these items, they are now a part of your daily routine of getting dressed it seems.

The Web now has an indefinite amount of resources that can assist you to find that name, number or address that you need. The best part is that it is download. Generally, the Lookup sites are a great help, since, if they cannot find what you are looking for, then it is likely not to be found.

There are a number of ways to search on these types of sites, depending on the information you do have. Perhaps, you have only the name of the individual, or only their address and you need their number. Whichever it is, the data can be entered into the essential field and the search will begin.

There are also Lookup apps which will take on the challenge of finding the ID of the caller you seek. They can be loaded onto your mobile device quite quickly. Since a lot of mobile users always have their phones to hand, this may be a good app to curb those prank callers who think they can stay anonymous.

Free Caller ID Lookup is an important tool if used in the correct respectful way that it is intended for. It may divulge just the right information required for the purpose required, but still maintain the integrity of the profile under investigation. As a download service, why should you not pursue the advantages on offer, if necessary?

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Concept of Pointer

In last chapter ( what is pointer ) , we learn what is the basic of pointer. Now we are learning what is the concept of pointer and how to using it.

In last chapter we declare a variable
int n = 10 ;
and create a memory map, Now we learn how to do this.

Now we print the address of variable through following program:

int main()
  int n = 10;
Address of n =%u"
, &n);

Value of n =%d"
, n);

  return 0;

The output of above program:

Address of n = 65220
Value of n = 10

Useful tips i.e. explanations of above programs:
  • Look at the first printf() statement carefully, it used & ( address of operator ). So & return the address of memory location. In our case, the expression  &n return the address of variable n.
  •  %u is used for printing the unsigned integer.
Now, observe carefully the output of the following program:

int main()
  int n = 10;
Address of n =%u"
, &n);

Value of n =%d"
, n);

Value of n =%d"
, *(&n));
  return 0;

The output of above program:

Address of n = 65220
Value of n = 10
Value of n = 10

here you can notice that the value of *(&n) is same as printing the value of n.

The expression &n gives the address of the variable n. This address can be collected in a variable, by saying:

int p = &n;

but here 1 problem, p is simple variable so we cant use of variable p.
What is solution?
So here comes the concept of pointer. Now we declare the integer variable p as integer pointer variable:

int *p;
This declaration tells the compiler that p will be used to store the address of an integer value i.e. p points to an integer.

int *p;

Now lets understand the meaning of *. It stand for value at address  operator. It return the value at stored at particular address.
The "value at address" operator is also known "indirection operator".

int *p; would mean, the value at the address contained in p is an int.

lets check out what you grab:
Q. What will be output of following program?
     int main()
        int n = 10;
Output of n =%d"
, n);

Output of *n =%d"
, *n);

       return 0;


Output of n = 10
Output of *n = error ( invalid indirection)

Can you understand why second printf() statement generate error? if yes then congratulation... And if you cant figure out then also dont worry because our next chapter is pointer practice session, in this you grab all about pointer.

The reason second printf() statement is generating error because, "value at address ( * )" is used only pointer variable/directly address i.e. "value at address" does not work with simple variable.
In our case n is simple variable and so compiler generate error.

Related programs:

  1. What is Pointer ?
  2. Pointer basic example
  3. Pointer extend example
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